Last updated: August 17, 2018

The Abrahamic Covenant.


The nature of a Covenant: A bond between the parties of the covenant, each saying “Everything I have is yours”.

Why did God institute a Blood covenant?

God’s covenants are woven throughout Scripture to make a tapestry of His love and His desire for relationships - relationship with Him and with all other people. The covenants give us His plan for life now and for eternal life in His promises.

A Blood Covenant relationship goes VERY, VERY deep, and is MUCH, MUCH more than a promise!

Old and New testament time periods:

The Abrahamic Covenant.
Instituted by God, (Gen 15), and prophesied by Jeremiah to be “completed and expanded” (Jer 31:31), and explained in Hebrews 8:8. Jesus “fulfilled” the Law (Instructions) as stated by Mat 5:17, by His suffering and death on the Tree. God sealed this Blood Covenant with His own blood and expanding the covenant promises to the complete “seed of Abraham” group of believers. (Romans 11:17).

Titles of Presentations, Charts and Articles:

Checksum in the 5 Books of Moses (Torah). Proof that every word and every letter throughout the Torah is located in exactly the original location and that NOT a single letter is out of place or missing.
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T02_Checksum_in_the_Torah_wtp pdf ppt

Hidden Gospel in Genesis 5. Few believers are aware of the of Gospel message hidden in the genealogy of the first 10 (TESTIMONY) names of the patriarchs listed in this chapter of Genesis. A little digging into the root meaning of the Hebrew names shows that very early on God had a plan to send down a teacher from heaven. The believers now know that this teacher came down to earth to do more than just teaching. He also came to become the one and only perfect and acceptable sacrifice for all mankind.
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T03_Gospel_in_Genesis_wtp pdf ppt

Adam to Joseph Time Line. A "Creation Science Evangelism" chart spanning 2400 years from the time of Adam to Joseph in Egypt. This chart displays an obvious fact that Adam lived approx. 6000 years ago. Many other facts can be gleaned from this chart, e.g, Abraham was born approx. 1948 after the 1st Adam, and we know that the offspring of Abraham was "re-born" as the nation of Israel 1948 years after the "last Adam", Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, (Jesus the Christ).
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Adam_to_Joseph pdf ppt

Overview of the 22 Covenants in The Scriptures.
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T04_Covenants_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

The Covenant of Salt, or the "everlasting Priesthood covenant", is a permanent agreement between God and humans.
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T05_Covenant_of_Salt_wtp_20180502 pdf ppt

The Salt of the Earth.
The Lord Jesus Christ compares His people to salt: “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). Doctor Lilian B. Yeomans, M.D has written about an interesting observation about the nature of salt in her book: "the Balm of Gilead". And describes how it is brought into existence as a union of two substances: something from above (heaven), and something from below (earth).
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Salt_of_the_earth_20130510 pdf

Nine Steps of the Blood Covenant Ritual. Dr. Richard Booker teaches in his book "The miracle of the scarlet Thread", that entering a blood covenant follows a very specific ceremony.
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T06_9_Steps_Covenant_Ceremony_wtp_20180502 pdf ppt

Six Steps of the Abrahamic Covenant. Dr. Jay Snell describes the covenant ceremony in Genesis 15 between God and Abraham. It contains a minimum of 6 steps, and is used to enter into the closest, most enduring compacts as friends and brothers thru the inter-commingling of their blood.
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T07_Six_Steps_Abrahamic_Covenant_Jay_S_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

The Abrahamic Covenant is connected to the N.T. via Jer 31:31, as interpreted by Heb 8:8, not brand new, but by completing something that is already in existence.
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T07b_SUNTELEO_6_Steps_Abrahamic_Covenant_20180504 pdf ppt

How God did the “cutting” with His own blood as part of the Abrahamic Covenant?
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T08_The_CUTTING_Step_3_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

A short review of the Covenants and how do the Christians become grafted into the Abrahamic Covenant?
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T09_Review_and_Preview_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

The Abrahamic Covenant, or “The Promise”, or “The Promises”, contains at least 60 promises.
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T09_The_60_Blessings_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

A sequential listing of the 60 Promises of the Abrahamic Covenant.
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T10-60_Promises_Sequential_nr_20130703 pdf

The Hebrew meaning of “barak”, and the Greek meaning of “eulogia”.
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T11_Barak_Eulogia_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

The Apostle Paul demonstrates the Abrahamic Covenant blessings continue in full force during the N.T. era.
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T12_The_UNBROKEN_FORCE_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

Isaac, the first member of the Seed group of Abraham.
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T13_The_Son_of_the_Promise_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt

Christians as members of the Abrahamic Covenant.
Included in the Abrahamic Seed Group "according to" the way in which Isaac himself was included.
What did Moses and the Apostle Peter have to say about “His peculiar people”?
What is expected of the followers of Jesus Christ?
The Body and Blood of The Lord from a covenant perspective. (communion).
File name:
T14_The_Children_of_the_Promise_wtp_20180504 pdf ppt
