Last updated: October 20, 2018
The First Century Church.
Index of 3 Introduction files, 20150824
The purpose of the 3 Introduction files to the presentation series "The First
Century Church", is to provide an overview and discover the reasons God has for
us remembering The Feasts of The Lord. At the same time the followers of Jesus
need to prevent from going into the ditch. In this series we will learn about
the Prophetic fulfillment of the first group of Feasts that are already
literally fulfilled by Jesus and discover that The feasts are also a prophetic
Time Line of The Lord. By studying The Feasts of The Lord we will become more
aware of the soon return of The Messiah!
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Subjects: Part A
Some of the subjects covered in Part A are answers to questions like: Do we
have to go back to celebrate those old Testament feasts? And, is that not
legalism? To answer some of these questions we will look into a comparison
between legalism and pleasing God along with several words of caution. We will
also see that there is a prophetic application to the "The Lord's Feasts" for
each Believer! Another surprise to most believers will be that The Feasts of
The Lord are NOT Jewish! And we do NOT have to become Jewish in order to serve
The Lord! Part A concludes with showing the benefit the believers receive
knowing about these Feasts and see that God reveals His character and the great
plan of God.
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Subjects: Part B
Some of the subjects covered in Part B are answers to questions like: What are
the 7 feast, and when are they celebrated? Also, we will look at why The Lord
commanded to keep these FEASTS? In the Epistle to the Colossians (Col. 2:17),
the apostle Paul declares the Feasts of The Lord are : "Shadows of things to
come". We will also look into some history and find out what effect the
elimination of the Feasts had on the Body of Christ. Part B concludes with
God's showing us His plan for the future: we can know His plan because God
showed us already!
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Subjects: Part C
The subjects in Part C show how The Lord's Feasts connect to us today by
examining the prophetic fulfillment of "The Lord's Feasts". We will start with
the Feast of Passover/Pesach - Messiah's 1st coming as The Lamb of God, and the
Blood Covenant connection with the Abrahamic Blood Covenant and the things God
did for His people the Israelites. After that we examine the Feast of
Unleavened Bread, Feast of Firstfruits, and the Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost.
We will see that from this point in time forward the Gentiles are grafted into
the Abrahamic Covenant. Part C concludes with the future: the Feast of
Tabernacles - Messiah's return, The King of Kings for ALL peoples who will
return to the earth!
File name:
The First Century Church.
Subjects: Index To Study
This series of presentations files on "The First Century Church", is to provide
some insight on how life was for the early believers during and following the
time of the disciples and apostles. We will take a look into the deeper meaning
of a number of key words used (or NOT used), in The Scriptures. Questions will
be answered like: when do most Christians believe the "church" started? What
does the word "church" really mean? When was it introduced and where does it's
concept originate? More questions will be answered like what do the words
"holy", "living in holiness", "righteousness", and "covenant" really mean? What
were first century congregations like? When did they meet? How did they operate
and what was it's structure? Related questions to look into are: How did the
congregations with followers of Yeshua (Jesus) grow and spread out from
Jerusalem? How common was it during the 4th - 15th centuries for the followers
of Yeshua-Jesus to experience miracles?
After these questions have been answered the remaining PowerPoint presentations will cover the following subjects:
- What is included in "living to do the commandments of God"?
- Are the Covenants in the Torah, The Prophets, and The Writings, still valid for the Christian today?
- When were churches and the recognition of church buildings introduced and for what purpose?
- What Scriptures were available to the early believers?
- When were the Jewish things removed, and what was the reason that anything Jewish was removed from the early church?
- What things were newly introduced into the early church, and by whom were they added?
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Subjects: The Importance of God's Word and words
Word study:
- Ekklesia, Strongs Index 1577 ἐκκλησία ekkle_sia ek-klay-see'-ah
- Synagogue, Strongs Index 4864 συναγωγή sunago_ge_ soon-ag-o-gay'
- Kehilah, Strongs Index 6951 קהל qa^ha^l, kaw-hawl
- Khaverut, "fellowship" similar to the Greek Ek-klay-sia (Ecclasia): "fellowship, assembly"
- Old English "churche", church
- "Truth"
- William Tyndale translation of the word "church"
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Scripture Sources used by Jesus and the disciples.
- The sources used and taught from by Jesus and His disciples
- Where did Jesus get His answers?
- What were the only "Scriptures" that existed before the 5th century?
- Paul taught everything he knew from the Old Testament, (Tanakh - The Torah [five books of Moses], The Prophets, and The Writings)
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NO New Testament was available, ONLY the Hebrew Scriptures
- The 1st century churches had NO New Testament, only the Hebrew Scriptures
- The Greek word for Scripture(s)
- Jesus taught from the (O.T.) Hebrew Scriptures, Deut 6:5, Lev 19:18
- The traditions of the Pharisees and Scribes and the resulting additions to the scriptures, ("fences around fences")
- Structure (or lack thereof), "flow of events" during a time of fellowship
- Early June 2013 post-conference event, River Falls, Wisconsin
- Acts Chapter 6 and 7: ALL QUOTES ARE FROM THE JEWISH SCRIPTURES - Tanakh, (Old Testament)
- The yearly biblical feasts cycle: spring, summer, and fall
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Subjects: Where did the followers of Yeshuah meet?
- Where and how did the 1st century church conduct it's "services"?
- Constantine the Roman Emperor introduced the recognition of buildings as churches (visible object)
- Question: What was the reason that anything Jewish was removed from the church?
- Syncretism defined
- Why were church councils still fighting to stamp out these influences seven hundred years later
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Subjects: The Scriptural definitions of 3 words.
- The Scriptural definitions of 3 words:
- Righteousness
- Covenant
- Holiness
- God revealing Himself, and how He expects us to behave
- Covenants establish the foundation of our walk with God
- God (not man), initiated the covenant(s) with mankind
- Holiness and the opposite of holy
- What opens the door to the supernatural?
- The requirement to walk in "honor", and examples of honor
- Why do so few believers honor the things that God Himself has deemed Holy?
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Subjects: The Feast of Passover
- The Biblical feasts of the Lord: Covenant, and the festivals and the God ordained form of worship
- Sabbath: Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Day begins at sunset. (established during the week of creation)
- Spring Feasts
- Passover
- Unleavened Bread
- First fruits
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Subjects: The feast of Pentecost, or Shavuot.
- Pentecost - End Barley Harvest, begin Wheat harvest, The Word, Holy Spirit
- The festival superimposes the giving of the Spirit in Jerusalem in living hearts, over the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai to stony hearts
- Shavuot draws a line of connection between Exodus 19 and Acts chapter 2
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Subjects: Feast of Tabernacles
- Fall Feasts -
- Trumpets
- Atonement
- Tabernacles
- Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles
- Rosh Hashanah
- Feast of Trumpets, blowing of trumpets (Tishri 1)
- Jewish New year, ("head of the year")
- Celebration of spiritual birthday of the world
- Coronation of the King