Sabbath - Feasts

My family and I are Gentiles so we know we are adopted/grafted into Yeshua's family. And since we don't have a Jewish background, what I've put together comes from what I've been able to read/study. Certainly one can "read/study" about the Sabbath/feasts - but if one can "do"! Ah, what a blessing!!

We know from The Word that The Father looks to our hearts and that the love we have for Him and Yeshua is what counts, not our ancestry or how "perfectly" we do things. I know we don't get things "perfect" with the feasts but we observe/celebrate/rehearse Sabbath and the feasts with great joy and thankfulness because The Father remembered and provided for us the way to be redeemed back with the Holy Precious Blood/Life of Yeshua!

Each feast page will have some of the celebration aids we use. They are in printable pdf formats for 8-1/2"x11" paper. In the print-outs, "Yom" is day in Hebrew, "Erev" is evening. You can also contact the Web-master for more details and recipes of our celebrations.

And then ... Help behind the scene!

We have been celebrating the Weekly Sabbath and The Feasts for many years. In the course of those years I've learned some practical helps for celebrating these wonderful and blessed times. Here are some that I use.

There is a saying ...

	I hear and forget,
	I see and remember,
	I do and understand.

Our Heavenly Father uses this approach very effectively in the Weekly Sabbath and His Feasts.

You can hear all about these appointed times, you can see other people doing them ... but ... when you personally celebrate these times ... your life will be changed and awesome understandings will come.

You will be blessed in your study and celebration of The Father's Feasts.

Questions? Comments?